A cozy, wintery treat, famous throughout the Woods and the Wilderlands beyond!

Ingredients (Serves 6-8):

10 very ripe pears (I used bosc)
A generous splash of vanilla extract
1/2 cup of brown sugar
4 cinnamon sticks
6 green cardamom pods
1 tsp whole cloves
2 tsp of ground allspice


1. Chop the pears into quarters and de-seed / de-stem them

2. Throw all the ingredients into a large pot or Dutch oven and fill with water until the pears are 1 inch covered. Bring to a boil, cover, then let simmer for 1 hour.

3. After the hour's up, mash the pears. Simmer covered for another 2 hours.

4. Strain out the solids, pushing out as much liquid as you can. Serve hot!

Optional inclusions:

  • Star anise, though not all kids may love the flavor!

  • For the grown-ups, it goes great with a splash of bourbon

The Ironwood Inn’s Famous Pear Cider